WEB Inženjering danas slavi svoju prvu deceniju poslovanja. Pre deset godina, osnivač Darko Ćaldović imao je viziju da profesionalcima iz mašinstva pruži varijabilne usluge CAD projektovanja. Cilj je bio da se pomogne kompanijama da prevaziđu operativne nestabilnosti u svom poslovanju, naročito u neizvesnim vremenima i na nestabilnim tržištima. […]
“I have realized that people were the most important, yet most complicated variable for any company development and growth,” said Darko Ćaldović, owner and CEO of WEB Engineering.
That’s why there are HR candidate selections, professional growth support, team building, and many employee benefits. All of them are trying to solve one problem – to keep employees happy and motivated. Basically, many managers are trying to solve employee problems with more employees. After a while, their business operations usually become very complicated. Thus, companies are becoming less and less flexible, requiring more profits to run and becoming less competitive. Even when there is the slightest instability, they need to cut expenses and lay off some employees.
“When you think about root causes of the problem, basically it has two words: stability and diversity,” said Darko Ćaldović. “Job stability and task diversity are the two most primal needs for any employee. You may give them any salary, benefit, team-building opportunity, or pleasant work environment. Still, if two basic needs aren’t met, most would seek for another job. Or you will eventually get unhappy employees who don’t like their job. They will keep it just because of the benefits, trying to work less and less, avoiding any responsibility.”
“That’s why we started an outsourcing business – to help companies solve their operational instabilities. Our team members are hired full-time. When an empty gap between two projects at any of our customers emerges, we switch our unassigned employees to another customer or project. Their experience is kept in-house and only gets richer with every other business they get involved in. We switch them back when we start a new project. In that way, customers get the remote service from the same old employees with specific business experience every time. We follow technology and software trends parallel with industry standards for the best engineering results for our clients. So, our client’s business instantly gets agile, with the power of our varied engineering capacity”, said Darko Ćaldović. “The team and I are thankful to be part of our customers’ growth and looking forward to new customer’s successes in the next ten years.”